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2022 Award Recipients

Ilene Andrade

Talia Carrasquillo

Tiffany Lopez

Carolyn Roach

Kathryn “Ktredz’ Treder

Savannah Austin

Mallory Hammitt

Jordyn Marlin

Emily Roskopf

Alexis Ward

Molly Cancian

Eden Liebenthal

Yeny C. Olivas

Taylor Rozman

Brandalyn Watts


15 Under 30 Award

Recognizing the complexity of the rugby experience, the USWRF has created the annual 15 Under 30 Award, highlighting those who exemplify the best qualities of rugby and bring those qualities to the field, to their teams, to the sport and to the communities in which they live.

These are exemplary leaders who remind us what we really love about the game. 

Other Winners
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